Dear reader, dear voter, our politics is on the verge of a monumental collapse. Our two million Federal employees (the “weeds” according Trump and Musk) are under a gun. The morale of our government workforce and the morale of our military will plummet. Now they want to take measures on any class of the military that is not white. Minorities and women will be treated differently from now on in the military.

Dear reader, dear voter, just think, 5 months ago the United States of America was the envy of the free world politically and economically. Today, MAGA Republicans, Trump/Musk, the MAGA controlled House and the Senate, and the principles behind Project 2025, now say the U.S. is a “horrible” place. Saint Peter in the New Testament said: “honor your government and pay your taxes”. So dear reader, what's going on here right now?
Project 2025, a program that has been hidden from the voter until after the Presidential election, is now being implemented. It says there is a need to flatten the entire political system running the United States. Why? Well, they say it's too big, and that the “wokes” want to overregulate corporations and they want to tax the rich too much. “Wokes” are nuts about things like Black Lives Matter, they are nuts over climate change, vaccinations and other scientific positions. Project 2025 of course states that the Federal education system needs a complete revamping and it will endeavor to close down the entire department. MAGA feels the “wokes” do not want to run the government like it should be run. MAGA feels the country should be run like a corporation. The “wokes” want food stamps, they don’t want us to cut veterans benefits and they don’t want us to stop medical research. The “wokes”, like President John F. Kennedy in 1961, started USAID to improve and win over relationships throughout the world. MAGA and Mr. Musk say no more, even though the farmers in red states will lose billions of dollars in crops because of this rash move. The education departments in red states will lose their much needed Federal education support. The “weeds” (Musk’s term) in the Federal government (employees), will be forced out. Some projects Elon Musk doesn’t like will be scrapped all together to ensure the “weeds” will not have a chance to grow back! Project 2025 states there is “waste, fraud and abuse”, but they have not provided any proof whatsoever. We are now being treated as the “suckers and losers” in the political community, it seems to me. Will we have to just accept the layoffs of so many Americans? A copy of this should be put in a drawer dated February 17th 2025, because I am predicting that we are about to repeat the years 1928 and 2007. Remember, both of those years precipitated an economic fallout of gigantic proportions. Only this time, it will be severely more damaging. Because we now will be losing our moral fiber, our moral suasion, our love of the rule of law, our love of our U.S. Constitution and the love of our Founding Fathers. In effect we will be fulfilling Plato’s prediction that “democracies pass into despotism”.
The authors of the mess will be who exactly? Trump/Musk, JD Vance, House Speaker Michael Johnson, and the Heritage Foundation. They are on course to destroy the actual heart of America! George Washington, the Founding Fathers and prior great American Presidents will be replaced by the philosophies of Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban. President Trump has made that clear by speaking so highly of these two dictators. President Trump will now be looking up at Vladimir Putin when they meet, even though he is 5 inches taller! The authoritarian class of leaders MAGA wants to follow are only interested in power, money and adding to the size of their country’s geography.
Remember, U.S. exceptionalism, freedom, liberty and the fabric of our country will unravel due to the madness of being governed by a dictatorship. At this very moment, the trajectory of America is bending toward a moral meltdown, red states and blue states had better open their eyes, and very quickly.
Dear reader, what has happened to us? Much of the answer rests in lies, disinformation, and the MAGA divide and conquer concepts. MAGA constantly blaming enemies falsely like immigrants, “wokes”, black history, progressives, those who believe in climate change, or those who believe in vaccinations are all impacting the voters thought processes. All of this is bound to lead us to a terrible abyss. For those of us who are seeking truth, Trump/Musk have made it clear that they want fact checking to be stopped by as many folks as possible. When they say free speech, they mean the speech that can be replaced only by their version. Truth is just another political opinion according to them. They embrace lies and disinformation, and they demand their followers believe exactly what they are told to believe. If they don’t believe what they are told, they are thrown out of the club. Does this sound totally and completely nutty? You betcha dear reader and dear voter, but it is the truth!
What is going to happen? The answer is in the hands of the people! Our Founding Fathers in 1787 gave up on power and money for themselves, and simply told the people they could have a government, “of, by, and for, the people”. The U.S. Constitution is 240 years old and has survived longer than any other government under a Republic. But now the people are being treated like “dupes, stooges and willing idiots”, that will do the bidding of the new Trump/Musk, Vance, Johnson, Heritage Foundation and MAGA leaders making their demands. They want to replace what we have now with chaotic changes to begin at breakneck speed before the public wakes up to what is actually happening.
The utter sickness of it all is that the destruction of our government is all being done for a simple promised reason made during the campaign last year. Trump/Musk must find $4.3 trillion to fulfill their promise to the 2% of the U.S. population’s billionaire class, to reup the 2017 tax cut. And who will be paying for all of this? You guessed it, it's the people who will be losing their money to fulfill the promises of the racketeers.
Why do Trump and Musk admire Russia over the United States of America and our Founding Fathers? It is really peculiar. Finland has closed its borders to keep out Russian citizens fleeing from their own country. Is Viktor Orban, head of Hungary, being overwhelmed by people wanting to move into Hungary at this moment. It's all a joke. Trump/Musk are using immigrants in the United States the same way Adolf Hitler used Jews in World War II in Germany in the 1930s. It's a simple method, find a group to be hated and dehumanized, and then blame all your country’s problems on that group. And does the MAGA crowd fall for all of that BS? Yep!
Recently JD Vance went to Germany and only talked to the right-wing opposition party in Germany, instead of talking to the NATO supporting government. Elon Musk did the exact same thing earlier in the month. He talked to the right-wing German opposition and told them to get over any guilt they might have over their Nazi past.
Elon Musk is an “unnaturalized” American citizen (really folks, a rich dumb sh#t!), actually born in South Africa. Has he ever thanked the great American business environment for making him the “richest man in the world”? No dear reader, he is the big wealthy engineer who thinks he deserves every penny. Now he wants to help America economically by cleaning out all the “weeds”. Is he on his way to finding the $4 trillion promised to his fellow billionaires? Dear reader, there are a few chapters still left in this book! “We, the people,” do not want to be fleeced as part of the payoff to the billionaire class! We do not want to lose our American ideals or our American past and become a country of kings or dictators. How do we avoid this? You do what they don't want you to do, you fact check every time they open their damn mouths! Remember, fact check, fact check, fact check, because they don’t want you to do it! The lies and disinformation must end if you want to save America!
Now here is a history lesson from a former “woke”, he never boasts about what he did but let me point something out here. Clinton/Gore won the 1992 Presidential election. They felt because of the rising Federal debt at that time, that they should pass legislation to raise taxes on everyone including the rich. No Republican voted for that tax increase, in fact Vice President Gore had to break the tie. Also, that same year they passed a 10-year ban on assault weapons. The sad part of that story that is seldom talked about? Democratic House Speaker Tom Foley lost his seat in the next election because he supported the tax increase and the 10-year ban on assault weapons. And what did he say when asked about his defeat? He said, “Hey, I just voted my conscience.” Dear voter, this man was a true bona fide American politician of class and character.
Dear voter, Clinton/Gore went on to balance the American Federal budget for four years in a row after that. And were the Republicans all standing up cheering and taking credit? You betcha! But that did not stop them from impeaching President Bill Clinton for an extramarital affair. But, did that stop President Clinton from doing a good job in his eight years? No, it did not, in fact his last November in office, he visited Wall Street and received a standing ovation. Don’t forget he found 22 million new jobs in America. And dear reader, please also note when he left the Presidency, he had a 72% approval rating. My point? He earned the faith of the people by providing good service. A really great WOKE!
Do you get it or not? After that, eight years of the Republican Party rule, was wars, assault weapons coming back, Wall Street collapsing and Barack Obama having to bail out the auto industry and Wall Street. And the head of the S.E.C. said he never saw the collapse coming. But I did, and so did a lot of the wokes!
Now we've got a brand-new President who wants to take over Canada, Panama, Greenland, and revamp the entire makeup of our economic system by adding tariffs to everything. Meanwhile, he has minted a commemorative Coin. It has been suggested that he could be personally making between $6 billion and $36 billion on the market depending on the sales! The Emoluments Clause under our U.S. Constitution of course has long been thrown into a wastebasket after the first Trump Administration. The misuse of Presidential power will now be a no brainer because the zombie MAGA Congress and the zombie MAGA Senate have out of fear, blessed every move he makes. And Elon Musk (the rich dumb sh#t) can now be co-dictator or co-President or what ever the two wizards decide he should be. He does not need to be born in America, he can be born in Tahiti as far as anyone cares. Is this a violation of the U.S. Constitution? Yes, but we are becoming lawless.
Dear reader, dear voter, our politics is on the verge of a monumental collapse. Our two million Federal employees (the “weeds” according Trump and Musk) are under a gun. The morale of our government workforce and the morale of our military will plummet. Now they want to take measures on any class of the military that is not white. Minorities and women will be treated differently from now on in the military. They have sent out letters. The Department of Defense fired the General of the Coast Guard with only three hours notice because it was suggested she was a “DEI general”. Portraits of Generals were removed from the Pentagon, a star was removed from General Mille, former chair of the joint Chiefs and a war hero. This is not a situation that bodes well for our military. Just imagine, all of us veterans are now in the hands of a draft dodger who used fake medical records to stay out of the Vietnam war. He thinks those Americans who have served in our military are “losers and suckers”. Do I believe a Marine General? Yes I do!
Now right before our eyes, Ukraine has lost any ability to help formulate the peace movement with Russia. They were never invited to any of the peace negotiations and the President of Ukraine is on the outside.
All of our Founding Fathers, all of our past great Presidents, and especially regarding NATO, President Ronald Reagan, are all rolling over in their graves. And our American flag is drooping at half-staff and the American eagle is shedding tears. Trust me, it's a sad day for America when Trump/Musk are more envious of countries that were our former enemies than they are of our Founding Fathers and George Washington. The MAGA crowd have succumbed to the lies and dishonor.
Come on America, we have to be worthy of where we came from. Let's get all of the red states and blue states together and stop this nonsense that is economically going to destroy us. And politically is going to make us into a divided country, of who is and who isn't. All we really need is three MAGA Congressmen and five MAGA Senators to stop being political zombies so that we can prevent this collapse. We need those three, those five to join forces with the “woke” group and we can do it for the future safety of our children and grandchildren. And we need fifty five brand new American patriotic types like those that came forth in 1787, to help continue the rule of law that has made our country so great. And in the name of God and all of those great American leaders that did so much for us in the past, we must gather in the patriotic way to keep our flag alive.
Let us heed the words of Barack Obama who always suggested there are not red states and blue states, only the United States. And I will say finally, all Americans from every state must fervently pray for the survival of our good friends in the country of Ukraine! We are all bound to pray for them.
Opening Image: Microsoft Designer – Image Creation Tool, Getty Images, Ryan Lash/Agence France-Presse Via TED Conference, Getty Images