A fired-up emotional group who decides to override the legal system should forever be forced to witness legal truth bombs. Accountability to the rule of law keeps us a just society worthy of those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 who worked so hard for 3 months creating the U.S. Constitution. That Constitution still works for us 235 years later. We should never abide in any group of citizens that falsely claim our laws should not be followed.
January 6, 2021, eight U.S. Senators and 140 U.S. Congressmen voted no on accepting the heretofore nominal constitutional verification of the Electoral College outcome. Why the NO vote? Sixty court cases, the U.S. Attorney General, the Department Head over voting, saw no facts or evidence of fraud in the Presidential Election of 2020. So, what gives here—all candidates holding office take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Amendment XIV, Section 3 states that anyone supporting rebellion or insurrection against the United States shall not hold or be eligible to hold a Federal Election position. Has the "no" voter demonstrated a special knowledge of fraud in this important election? If so, they are duty bound to share it.
Are we a country of laws or mob rule? Those NO voters did so to retain their office, because their constituents fell for the “Big Lie”, over that Presidential Election. So, does this mean heretofore properly warranted elections can now be nullified by flim-flam? Now we must examine this area of the U.S. Constitution through the court system. Each Secretary of State (who certify the eligibility of all candidates) must okay the eligibility question. Violating your oath of office just to placate a misinformed public is not a valid reason to nulify the U.S. Constitution. Every citizen must decide whether oaths are now simply plastic that can be twisted like a pretzel.
Abraham Lincoln in 1838 made a speech to local young lawyers in Springfield, IL emphasizing that we must rely on courts to determine legal positions, not mobs. How should lies, deception, disinformation, and conspiracy theories, be handled in the political arena? It’s the ordinary standard of facts and evidence examined by our court system. A fired-up emotional group who decides to override the legal system should forever be forced to witness legal truth bombs. Accountability to the rule of law keeps us a just society worthy of those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 who worked so hard for 3 months creating the U.S. Constitution. That Constitution still works for us 235 years later. We should never abide in any group of citizens that falsely claim our laws should not be followed.
I have 2 older brothers buried in Arlington Cemetery. They did not fight to keep America safe for wannabe autocrats or dictators and they did not want to fight for those who would violate their oath of office. They fought for our flag and the U.S. Constitution. Right now, the rule of law, accountability and the protected rights to have facts and evidence keeps our political system safe from undo interference. We must always embrace that principle.
Let’s all follow that sacred U.S. Constitution and not bend it for political favor to anyone. God bless the United States of America and keep us prepared to defend law and order, in every form. We do not want to be the generation that turned our backs on those who sacrificed so much to create such a profound legal document.