We must make a demand that President Donald Trump remove those two pictures of George Washington and Ronald Reagan from the Oval Office. Why? Because he does not believe in the American political position held by those two great former Presidents. His political mentor is, and has been for nine or ten years, Vladimir Putin, interspersed with occasional dedication to Viktor Orban.

I'm going to be 88 years old later this month. I'm also a grandfather, a retired small business owner, a writer by avocation, and an army veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. I love my country, and I love our liberty and freedom in America. We must keep it dear reader!
My blog was started in February 2023. It is called: returntothebeginning.com. I chose that name because I felt the average American was losing sight of where we came from and that we were now failing civics. 90% of the public does not know that those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787, were there to form a more perfect union. They were not there to add to their own power or their wealth. They were meeting for three months that summer to put together a political instrument to be donated to “we the people”. This unique U.S. Constitution has lasted over 235 years. That document is now at risk because of factions of power and money who are running amok. Now we're being tested by three very bad guys, and only one of them was born in America. Putin/Trump/Musk are driven to do us harm. All three of these men use cruelty and unusual means to garner more power and more money. They contend things like, love us, or fear us, because if you don’t, we will seek retribution, revenge and mayhem against anyone telling the truth to describe us. Their criteria is to never waiver over demanded total loyalty.
They think they are unstoppable. Are they? Only in their own minds. Our founding fathers gave the political power to “the people”. Plato said, “democracies pass into despotism”. Is that going on right now in America? Yes, we are on the brink. What to do? Well, we are not out of brake fluid quite yet. “We the people” have the power to formulate the stoppage of all their B. S. A great nation must confront these three cruel 8th grade bullies that seek to take command of the school yard by intimidation and corruption. They can dish it out, but the people can also dish it back. And these three can be stopped because truth, honor, decency and the rule of law are the ultimate safety net against racketeers. Remember, under most past shining moments in American history; the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, and World War II the Americans called on a just and loving God for assistance to accomplish a positive outcome. Let us imitate President Abraham Lincoln who in his heavy burden in freeing the slaves suggested he was driven to his knees in prayer…
So let me offer that starting point to maintain our great country. We must make a demand that President Donald Trump remove those two pictures of George Washington and Ronald Reagan from the Oval Office. Why? Because he does not believe in the American political position held by those two great former Presidents. His political mentor is, and has been for nine or ten years, Vladimir Putin, interspersed with occasional dedication to Viktor Orban. Remember at this moment President Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And remember, Ronald Reagan would have had Vladimir Putin for lunch if he were now President. Please dear reader, take note of a recent poll that showed 81% of Americans polled, disapprove of Vladimir Putin. And please remember 83% of Americans recently polled, said they disagree with Donald Trump's pardoning 1,600 insurrectionists.
These racketeers underestimate the intelligence of all people. So dear reader, dear voter, I am not in the best of health, so please let us quickly make it known to these three lawless racketeers, Putin/Trump/Musk that they must stop hurting innocent Federal employees, innocent immigrant children and all of the innocent public. Their intention is constantly to gain more power, more wealth, and now they seek more territory. Trump/Musk want to imitate the Russian method of oligarchy type government. There is no way this political strategy will work in America.
Again dear reader, we need a million Americans to write to President Trump in the White House and to make it clear he should take down the pictures of George Washington and Ronald Reagan. It's a disgrace to see them in the oval office. We the people own this great nation, let’s keep it for 200 more years! Now please join me in praying for the American children born here but who were recently picked up off the streets and flown out of the country even though they had legal rights because they were born in America. This is disgraceful behavior. Also please add Ukraine, the European Union, and NATO to your prayer list. My Bible suggests, we must pray for Putin/Trump/Musk, despite their having lost their souls in acts of utter cruelty.
We are suffering through a nightmare that may get worse before it gets better. Remember, in Donald Trump’s first term as President over one hundred Political Science Professors picked him as the worst President in American history. Don’t forget he broke a record in his first term for deficit spending of $7.8 trillion. And note well that in his first term he had advisors that were loyal to our flag and our Constitution. In his present term, he has surrounded himself with those loyal only to him, not to our country! He has eliminated virtually 90% of all of those with oversight of his actions as President. This includes 19 Inspectors General and many great qualified Generals in the Pentagon who have lost their power. The top qualified attorneys in the DOJ and FBI have been stripped of their independence to do good work. And now Trump believes SCOTUS will be doing his bidding as future cases arrive before them. So dear reader, what will be the outcome of all of this mayhem? A king, or a dictator? You betcha! Our great history of representing the free world is now in jeopardy as never before. The historical direction our country now takes can still remain with “the people”. We must act!
God bless our country, our flag and all of those seeking justice throughout the world. Good people, “the people”, know what to do. Let’s get to work immediately. Remember, we are doing all of this for our children and grandchildren to protect their future, free of chaos and mayhem.
Opening Image: Microsoft Designer – Image Creation Tool, Gavin Ashworth/Gilbert Stuart, Everett Kinstler