Plato predicted that democracies pass into despotism. That seems to be happening right before our very eyes with not enough resolve to stop this madness. As a great nation are we to quietly lose our way? All Americans who have recognized our position in the free world should not give up without a feeling of profound sadness. Now we must recapture the rule of law under our Constitution and instead of being indifferent, we should resolve to make things better for our children. We cannot wait much longer if we want to protect our greatness, past and present.

Dear reader, dear voter, please note that I am 88 years old, a small business owner, and a grandfather. I am a writer by avocation, and I've had this blog since February of 2023. I'm a veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Most importantly, I must admit up front, before God, the angels and all of the Saints that I am a “woke”. You know, the kind that Vice President JD Vance and Kevin Roberts of Project 2025 criticize. They are claiming the “wokes” are what made the Institutions of the United States grow too big and made their friends in the business world uncomfortable over regulations and taxes. I will be perfectly honest with you; it's all a crock. The corporations in America are not overtaxed and they're not over regulated. If you want airplanes crashing, go ahead and stop all the regulations. The “wokes” have nothing to be ashamed of. They are comfortable with the EPA and various other regulatory Institutions. The “wokes” started Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The “wokes” saw a need to help hungry children and provided them food. And some children had reading difficulties so the “wokes” created special education to help them. The “wokes” felt the U.S. aid to African nations that needed medicine and food, started by John F. Kennedy in 1962, was a good idea. To this day there are literally hundreds of thousands of lives that have been saved both through the food and the medicine. Now note well, 70 million Americans who are on Social Security should not buy into Elon’s baloney idea that it’s a “Ponzi scheme”. The American recipient of the benefits paid for everything they received. So to try and make it sound like they are mooching according to Elon Musk is offensive BS! Remember dear reader, fact check the issues. Remember Trump/Musk, CPAC and all the evening Fox News pundits are definitely not a place to get political facts.
I believe food stamps for the poor are not a bad idea, in fact, a side benefit in all of this keeps many of our farmers busy planting crops for domestic Americans. Many MAGA citizens claim welfare is full of fraud and abuse. Well, are there “welfare queens”? Are there cheaters in the system? Yep! But never forget that many studies have shown that the abuse and the fraud is less than 4%. Dear reader, do we get rid of 96 percent of assistance because of the abuse of less than 4 percent? I know both JD Vance and Kevin Roberts boast to many that they are Christians. Sorry boys when you have a chance to do good by feeding the needy my Bible strongly suggests you should follow up. My Bible also says, “offenses are bound to come, but woe unto him from where the offense cometh”.
Project 2025, especially Elon Musk, calls federal employees, including veterans, “weeds”. And he says Federal Institutions must now be destroyed or “the weeds will come back”. Dear reader, his statements must be fact checked, and then fact checked again. That’s the political philosophy of Elon Musk, he said it dear reader, check it out. It’s not surprising that the EU countries have asked Elon Musk on his social media platform X to please stop all of the dis-information in Europe. It is not surprising to me that Mr. Musk told his American billionaire buddies to stop fact checking all of the MAGA pronouncements. He wants an unfettered chance to promote his Bolshevik BS.
And now let me explain who the worst constant daily user of disinformation, innuendo, exaggeration and outright lies is… you guessed it! President Donald Trump. Before God and all the angels, I would not say it without proof. He wants his followers to believe that every time he speaks, it is the truth. And then he suggests what other people tell you is always “fake news”. MAGA Republicans often believe that truth is just a trick used by “wokes”, liberals, and progressives to confuse and distract their followers. Truth to them is just another political opinion that should be tossed out. How do I know this? Well dear reader, because I read Truth Social, that is used by Donald Trump so often. Most of it is, I’m sorry to say it, but it is laughable BS to fool his followers. FACT CHECK.
Let’s get deeper into the three top disinformation specialists in the news: Putin/Trump/Musk. They feel proud that their “dupes, stooges and willing idiot” followers can be made to follow lies, distractions, innuendo, and exaggeration, all delivered using distain, putdowns and focusing on chosen targets relentlessly over and over again. In 1933 Adolf Hitler decided when he took power that the enemy of the people should be the Jews, and he never let up on that issue until the day he died. Unfortunately, now in the United States, many MAGA leaders have chosen the immigrants as the continual total target. Nine years ago, Donald Trump stated just before running for President that immigrants were, “all criminals, all insane and all rapists”. Elon Musk is the front man for DOGE and for Project 2025. His plan is to destroy our American Institutions and thus rid the country of the “weeds”. The “weeds” have little value and they are living off government handouts. He has never expressed any honor, decency or talent in these “weeds”. He says Social Security and Medicare dear reader, should be devalued as a Ponzi Scheme. This is beyond disgraceful, it is horse manure at its worst. What is the purpose for all of this discrediting of our Institutions? Well, the promises made during the candidacy of Donald Trump, were that the wealthy would be getting a tax cut, especially as their current giant tax cut from 2017 is running out. So, it means more money ($4.5 trillion), and more power to the oligarchs. The crumbs that may be left over go to the “weeds”. Is this an exaggeration? Stay tuned, and do your studies because the plot is going to thicken. Every American should be concerned, even the billionaires because of the possibility of a collapse of our economy if we follow-up on destroying all of our Institutions.
Remember, when Vladimir Putin met Donald Trump more than a decade ago, he saw political potential and he sprinkled Trump with Putin political fairy dust. And from that moment on, Donald Trump has had “Putin Envy”, and to this day he always shows honor, respect, and deference to his friend Vladimir. In fact, more respect than Mr. Trump has ever shown for George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan. Donald Trump only shows a little respect to former President Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson shipped 18 Indian tribes over the “trail of tears” to Oklahoma. Many of them died along the way. So now how is the President doing with his negotiations with Vladimir Putin to protect Ukraine, NATO, EU and the U.S.? Well dear reader, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and of course Ronald Reagan could surely have done more in negotiating with Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump represents a better Navy, a better Air Force, a better Army and a giant American economy behind him, while Vladimir Putin’s economy is about the size of Italy's and now he’s running out of military strength and has to borrow troops from North Korea to fight against Ukraine. What’s going on here? Simply put, Donald trump makes it clear he admires dictators, envies their power and since the day he has met Putin he cannot be anything but an inferior negotiator, from what many in the political world have seen thus far to be true. Trump has four aces in his hand (NATO, EU, all of the courageous Ukrainian people, and over 80% of the American people). Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has a failing economy and a very weakened military. Yet Putin can bluff with a pair of deuces? You guessed it! Many suggest that President Donald Trump should have told Putin that the U.S. will continue to aid Ukraine militarily, “until the cows come home”. Would that have impacted the Russian position? Dear reader, never forget that Russia left Afghanistan in 1989 after years of being a loser in that occupied country. The Russians citizens were glad that the incursion in Afghanistan ended. That Russian venture was a loser just as this ambitious venture against Ukraine should be declared a loser. Free nations must remain strong for Ukraine. Just think, if President Trump can get a lasting fair peace for the Ukrainian people, does anyone doubt that he would probably receive the Nobel Peace Prize? And he would also protect his legacy as President of the United States. He would also no doubt get a victory statue of himself in the capital of Ukraine.
Now domestically we are confronted with another freaky big lie. That big lie is that the immigrants are hiding behind every tree, hiding in every ditch, and every parking lot ready to spring forward with rape and pillage. Dear reader, dear voter, does your head hit the pillow every night with the fear of an immigrant? Let me give you a studied fact. Dear reader, THE IMMIGRANT POPULATION COMMITTS FEWER CRIMES THAN THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Despite what you hear every night from Fox News pundits, like that very popular millionaire Sean Hannity, that immigrants are overwhelming many communities. It is not true. It seems Mr. Hannity has also been sprinkled with political fairy dust and for years he has venerated and appreciated the political life of President Donald Trump. Is he entitled to hold these beliefs? Absolutely, everyone is allowed to hold their opinions under the First Amendment. However, both Mr. Hannity and Tucker Carlson and CPAC lean toward authoritarianism. Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban of Hungary are often praised by them. Now remember many historical propagandists have had bad luck when assisting and promoting their favorite leader, especially those without proper credentials. Joseph Goebbels for over 20 years was head of propaganda in Germany and did an excellent job convincing the German people over the value of their leader. But after the death of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels committed suicide along with his wife and poisoned his six children. This is an extreme case, but it bears historical review. Also never forget that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Putin used violent, cruel and unspeakable tactics to insure loyalty (fact check).
It is true that Putin/Trump/Musk will take all the veneration from the masses that they can get. But we all know they believe civility is a sign of weakness. They have an insurance policy over loyalty. And that insurance policy is to use fear to guarantee loyalty. Anyone who wants to leave their group is subject to serious penalties. Do all these demands for loyalty always work out? Nope. “The people can’t be fooled all the time”. Look right now at South Korea, Serbia and Hungary. The people are in the streets in protest. Look at the EU countries now. Because, they fear losing the loyalty of America, they are now determined to share atomic bombs with each other to prepare for any more ambition displayed by Vladimir Putin. Americans may be slipping away from freedom and liberty but after 240 years I do not think the “wokes” are going to easily surrender. We don’t like all the lies, the anger, the cruelty, the arrogance and the flirting of destroying the rule of law. And now the MAGA hypocrisy is dramatic, shameless, and all for power and money? Many, many Americans now feel that to be true.
We are asking for fairness, kindness and God's blessing while most MAGAs are looking to divide and conquer to sow hostility and mischief. Meanwhile they are again seeking more power and more money, while the “weeds” get the crumbs left over. I’m asking my “woke” friends to pray for those MAGA folks to stop hating their own country and stop treating their fellow citizens as the enemy. Please note Saint Peter in the New Testament said, “honor your government and pay your taxes”. I say again to all of the faithful, no matter what their religion may be, please get out a New Testament in the Bible and read under Luke, the parable about the Rich Man and Lazarus, and in Matthew read about the Sheep and the Goats. I suggested this before and I do it again. Please dear reader, this is very important and relevant because of what is going on in America today. Remember, most polls show 65% or more of Americans profess some form of Christianity. I appeal to all of the agnostics and atheists out there to also come forth and defend freedom in America.
We must keep our children free of this peculiar weirdness being forced upon us by malcontents it appears to me. And some of them are anti-science. Now we are witnessing a unique Earth that is being overheated and overwhelmed by storms, some 500 miles across. Is this just a natural phenomenon? No. Many many many scientists, over 90%, say climate change is not a myth. Now who knows what the MAGA vision for the future is going to be for America. Never forget that without a vision the people parish. Elon Musk rejects climate science apparently to please his friend President Trump. I would remind Mr. Musk of a great engineer from Germany who came to the Unites States after WW II , Werhner Von Braun. That great engineer set up the moon program for President John F. Kennedy. And we indeed landed a man on the moon thanks to the faith and honor of Mr. Von Braun. Now we have an engineer from South Africa who wants to deliver the United States to the gates of hell in my opinion, by destroying all of our Institutions. Is this goofy stuff? It certainly appears that way to me, and attempting to start all over with a Unitary Executive in charge. This is not the answer. Right now, dear reader, dear voter, 55 Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves at the thought of what is taking place over the rule of law in the United States. We must stop the cruelty, stop the torture of our “weeds” who simply want to go to work every day. We must stop grabbing immigrants off the street arbitrarily, without a trial or proper investigation. They are then put in chains and white uniforms, after being picked up by masked marshals. Then they are all chained together and put on buses and airplanes to a foreign country. Dear reader, how do we know that maybe a dozen or more of these alleged immigrants may or may not be innocent? Something is not adding up here. We are not a country full of bestiality, we are a civilized society. We must not lose our decency or our due process. We are a country of laws not of men. If the MAGA community wants to lose their souls to look tough and act tough, I for one am not going to go along with it. We don’t act that way in our country. We don’t go for hairbrained, overblown criminal accusations. If we do, we will no longer be the land of the free and the home of the brave. We must not walk away from our traditions of fairness.
Dear voter, dear reader four months ago don’t forget, the free countries of the world were envious of the United States of America and the way we were handling our economy and our inflation was much lower than theirs. In Hungary and Serbia right now, citizens are in the streets condemning both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. This is nuts. It is profoundly sad that the United States is losing its reputation as the country that can be counted on to defend the free world. Every patriot in our country at this moment should feel sad over the weird way that we are being torn apart and divided off like a bunch of sheep. Let us demonstrate we are not sheep but patriotic Americans.
Plato predicted that democracies pass into despotism. That seems to be happening right before our very eyes with not enough resolve to stop this madness. As a great nation are we to quietly lose our way? All Americans who have recognized our position in the free world should not give up without a feeling of profound sadness. Now we must recapture the rule of law under our Constitution and instead of being indifferent, we should resolve to make things better for our children. We cannot wait much longer if we want to protect our greatness, past and present. God remains in the heavens and remains ready if we will only ask for help. Don’t forget in WWII, every single Regiment in the military had chaplains of all faiths offering assistance to the fighting 14 million American GIs. How did that work out, did we win? You betcha! And that victory led to the United States of America leading the free world for the next 80 years. So, let us ask God for help in getting out of this mess. Let’s protect our children and grandchildren from chaos and mayhem that may be forthcoming. God bless and protect all of those who demand fairness and justice in the political arena.
Note well dear reader, “hell is truth seen too late, duty neglected in its season”.
Opening Image: Microsoft Designer – Image Creation Tool, Getty Images, Tom Pennington/Getty Images, Ryan Lash/Agence France-Presse Via TED Conference