No dear reader, it is no sin to give up weapons of mass destruction so that innocent people can fulfil their proper and God given right to live a full life. Let's get rid of these weapons by making demands to choose a different religion than gun worship. Let's do it once and for all! Let's protect children and each other, and begin this reformation immediately!

A decadent society emerges when the lives of children are forsaken so that assault weapons can be allowed, and actually attain a cult like worship. What is the deal here? Is it all about power and money? You betcha! Now even politicians wear assault weapon pins on their lapels. What do they do if someone expresses dislike? They simply mock and show hostility to anyone who objects.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia, a committed advocate of any, and all kinds of weapons and open carry laws, actually chased David Hogg down the street, a former survivor of the Parkland Highschool shooting in Florida, when he was advocating for new gun laws. What did she do? She kept yelling, “it was all a hoax”! This happened in public, and did she receive criticism? No, she got more money and very few accused her of being a kook or a nut job. So dear reader, she's doing quite well with her loud support of the gun lobby. Governor Greg Abbott of Texas states proudly that he wants Texas to be the leading state for gun ownership. This poor guy has a bad memory too, he forgets this is the same old stuff from 1880's. In the Wild West days, the Sheriffs and Marshalls of towns were getting fed up with all the shootouts on Saturday nights at the saloons and in the streets. They would go to the Mayor of the town demanding action. What took place then was simply a warning, to drop off all their guns at the Sheriff's Office and then pick them up when they are ready to leave town. Dear reader, check your history and check the western movies of the 1930's, 40’s and 50s. Right now, the United States is repeating history. How? With gun worship and tolerating a gross lack of laws that would protect our children.
This mess has to stop. Literally thousands of lives are being cut short yearly because of assault weapons and the mishandling of guns. This is nuts! In 1994 the Speaker of the House, Tom Foley of Washington, signed a 10 year assault weapons ban into law. He promptly lost his seat in the House in the next election cycle. What was his reaction to this loss? He said, “…all I did is vote my conscience”. This ended an honorable career simply by voting conscience. How did the 10-year ban workout? There was a reduction in mass murders of over 65%. So why are we back to allowing children to be murdered and shot up in some cases where their faces are unrecognizable, requiring a DNA test for identification, or by having their distraught parents identify their shoes? Do gun dealers and their political minions really care? Hell no! They're just in it for the money. When that fact is raised, they respond with defiance and hostility. Enter Governor Greg Abbott again, going along with hundreds of others who have a stone cold indifference to the sacrificing of children at the altar of the gun lobby. This is the same goofy politician who had no objections when ex-President Donald Trump quashed the bipartisan border Bill sponsored by Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma. Abbott thus walked away from significant remedies at the border, but most importantly, he cost the Texas citizens billions of dollars from the Federal Government if the Bill had passed. Folks, this could only happen in America!
We have more guns than people in the United States. Other free countries of the world do not experience our problem primarily because assault weapons are not allowed to be sold. They simply are treated as weapons of mass destruction. Now, should gun lovers be banned in the United States? No, not at all. Hunting rifles and handguns should be allowed through licensing and proper testing. But open carry? Come on America, I see open carry of side arms as a cringing event. People walking into restaurants with a gun showing? I think it's nuts. And what incidences happen with open carry? There are several examples on the highway in the United States every year. Someone gets cut off, they weave in and out, and finally both pull over. They jump out of their cars, one of them is armed, and in the heat of the argument one of them pull out a gun and shoots the other one dead. There are actual cases where the shooter, in a jail cell after the arrest, commits suicide after they realizes what they have done. This is so stupid it should all gives us a headache!
Let's stop this madness. Just look at Project 2025. They have a whole chapter in their 900 pages of political craziness, that covers guns. Would you believe they want to get rid of enforcement of many of our existing laws? They advocate very little in the laws monitoring gun ownership. They defend assault weapons, and of all things they want school teachers to be armed. What is going on? Why is this happening in such a civilized country as ours. Why do we want to bring back the Wild West, and say "the hell with a civilized society"?
Some Representatives in the U.S. Congress want to be allowed to carry side arms into sessions of creating laws in Congress. Who and why would anyone vote for someone that embraces that kind of nonsense? Dear reader, why are we supporting dupes, stooges and willing idiots that have decided that guns should be their religion?
We must come to grips. We must recognize that taking away a youngster's chance to live a normal and full life is a disaster. This should give rise to utter sadness, not indifference. The number one reason for deaths of children under 18 is by guns! And the second reason is suicide! This is by no means a healthy society if it will allow this stuff to go unchecked. Banning assault weapons has already been tried and found successful in the United States. Australia and New Zealand both have successfully banned assault weapons. Canada doesn't have our problem, England doesn't have our problem, France doesn't have our problem, Norway, Sweden. Come on! The problem is so terrible, to think that school children have to show up at school for their active shooter drills. Just think of all the financial costs of protecting ourselves from assault weapon use. It makes no sense. The NRA is as abusive and empty headed as any corporation in America. Power and money is their only reason for being in business. They have no regard for public safety.
Many of these gun advocates are not a bit worried about their family's reputation for worshipping guns over their children, they don't care about history’s judgment and they have no fear of a just God. They all forget the warning in the Bible, “offenses are bound to come, but woe unto him from where the offense cometh”.
No dear reader, it is no sin to give up weapons of mass destruction so that innocent people can fulfill their proper, and God given right to live a full life.
Let's get rid of these weapons by making demands to choose a different religion than gun worship. Let's do it once and for all. Let's protect children and each other, and begin this reformation immediately!
May God listen and assist those of us who simply want to stop children from being sacrificed for the ignorant cult of gun worship.
Opening Image: ABC7 Chicago, Elderwise Learning, Piya Sarutnuwat
Owning weapons that can be used in self defense is also a creator given right.