Fox News: They have an extraordinary, peculiar bent toward exaggeration, innuendo, power, money and guns. They are not mainstream and do not reflect the core values of the average American voter. They do not give a hoot about Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Reagan.
After settling the lawsuit with Dominion on April 19th for just short of $800,000,000, I was curious to see the Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity shows that evening. Mr. Carlson was his smiley self, but did not mention the Fox settlement. He had special guest, Elon Musk, on for over 30 minutes, speaking of rockets, outer space, aliens and the diminishing birth rates in Japan. (I thought it interesting that Elon Musk attended the Super Bowl game with Rupert Murdoch.)
I promote my blog with Twitter, by the way. I am 86, a Veteran, with 2 older brothers buried in Arlington Cemetery. I am vocal about my patriotism to the flag and the U.S. Constitution. I am also big on accountability in politics. So, after watching “Carlson/Musk”, I turned to the Sean Hannity show. The first 10 minutes were the most unfair and unbalanced diatribe against President Joe Biden I have ever seen. I found out from my attorney, “Oh, they do that every night.” Hannity said “Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have no respect for President Biden.” I could not watch any longer, and felt I should just take a shower. Ugh!
Here's my reaction over Fox News. They have an extraordinary, peculiar bent toward exaggeration, innuendo, power, money and guns. They are not mainstream and do not reflect the core values of the average American voter. They do not give a hoot about Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Reagan. They have often stated they prefer autocrats and dictators over democratically elected leaders. They do not care about 9-year-old children being killed in schools by assault weapons. They seem respectful of the Second Amendment but have a very loose interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
Our U.S. Constitution has lasted 240 years—one of the most splendid political documents ever created by man. I for one, am not ready to surrender to the mob mentality that has embraced the “big lie” or to those who put money, power and distortion ahead of our laws. They have boxed in themselves so uncomfortably that to now allow in truth would impact their sales. I feel little empathy for their plight. But as a man of faith, I am duty bound to hope for their conversion. And I do so with the knowledge that Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are loyal to only those listeners that buy their political song. Your presentation is often unfair and unbalanced. But their daily audience of 4 million cannot now accept anything but a weak interruption of the facts.
They do not fear their family name being exposed to ridicule, they do not seem to fear the judgment of history, or that of a just God. So, besides my hope for them, I sincerely offer my pity. The fact that there is no expressions of sympathy or empathy for children killed by guns in our country shows moral turpitude.
Editors note: This essay was completed a day before it was announced that Fox "News" had fired Tucker Carlson.