Our flag and our traditions are worth fighting for! I’m not going to stand by and watch the crumbling of the United States of America by lawless racketeers, who are on a mission to acquire more power and more wealth. They want to find money to give to their billionaire oligarchs. They actually believe that the seniors who have put money into their Social Security account and their Medicare account are now "mooching" off the government that they gave their money to in the first place.

Dear reader, dear voter, I will be 88 years old in March. I am a retired small business owner, a writer by avocation and a proud grandfather. I'm also a veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Now allow me to sound off! I love our flag, our U.S. Constitution, and the rule of law and I'm writing this blog under my First Amendment rights. Trump/Musk use disinformation, false premises, innuendo, misinformation and exaggeration to exploit their lies. I don't mean to be graphic, I do mean to tell you the truth. Trump/Musk have made it known, they want no fact checking. The European Union has actually asked Elon Musk to stop spreading so much disinformation on his social media platform X in Europe. Elon Musk and Vice President JD Vance have actually interfered in the German election of Feb 23, 2025. They are supporting the right-wing candidate against the NATO candidate. This is out of step with our American traditional political stance. The U.S. has a strong tradition of backing democratic, freedom loving countries. Now, according to CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee, Putin/Trump/Musk and Viktor Orban are the men they choose to follow over George Washington, our Founding Fathers, and any great American Presidents that followed. Remember President Ronald Reagan, who got the Berlin Wall removed, did not even receive an honorable mention from these folks. Are we just going to pass those former freedom and liberty loving Presidents off into the wilderness? The Putin/Trump/Musk team reminds me of those 8th grade bullies who are claiming all rights over the entire playground. And they use their bullying tactics toward anyone who tries to interfere or fight back. These three are the "tough guys" who always become outraged, seek revenge and retribution if you speak the truth about them. Winston Churchill said that he was always amazed at how outraged his enemies became when he talked back at their criticism. The sad part of what we are now confronted with since the 2020 election is that the Trump/Musk team are offering the constant message that Joe Biden didn't win the Presidential election because it was, "rigged and stolen". Did they offer facts, evidence, or proof of a rigged election? No, they didn’t dear reader, not a damn thing! And don't forget 62 court cases validated the Presidency of Joe Biden as well as the Electoral College vote chaired by Republican Vice President Mike Pence. But dear voter, no MAGA Republicans can be in the "club", if they don’t renounce the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election. You must take a loyalty oath and accept the big lie, or you are out in the cold. In my opinion this is historically beyond all reason. Is this a demented and weird political situation? Dear reader, dear voter we better figure it all out if we intend to maintain the rule of law in the United States. Making MAGA members accept groundless lies to maintain membership, which is profound escapism from reality. It is anti-American, un-American, and must be stopped by voters seeking the truth.
Now we're about to be presented with an uninvited, un-mandated, self-appointed monarch, it appears. Are we ready for a king or a dictator? If that happens, all of our American History over freedom and liberty will be purposely quashed. In fact, the day the crown is put on the king's head is now the new first day of American history. The rule of law, the dominance of freedom, liberty and order will no longer exist. I don’t think that is what we want. I don’t think our patriotic songs should be allowed to become trashed.
Now let us talk about the Ukraine war. In 2013, Donald Trump was in Russia for the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant. He will not talk about references to meeting Vladimir Putin. But he said to many folks, especially Fox News how highly respected Vladimir Putin was in his own country. I contend that even though Donald Trump is four or five inches taller than Vladimir Putin, he always and consistently looks up to the man that he considers his mentor. Sadly, we are now engaged in turning over Ukraine, possibly within weeks, to Vladimir Putin. This should set our hair on fire! In America, we do not relinquish a position so easily to a dictator! Had Ronald Reagan been alive during this period, he would have already had Vladimir Putin for lunch! These are terrible times for every Ukrainian citizen. These are terrible times for the European Union and these are really terrible times for NATO. But these are good times for Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea as it appears that the U.S. has switched sides and joined what Republican George W. Bush called, the "axis of evil". This will no doubt shock historians.
JD Vance, Speaker of the House Michael Johnson and all those leaders of Project 2025 followed by the MAGA House and Senate members seem to agree with the new U.S. position regarding Russia. Many of the MAGA folks remain silent, not realizing silence is consent. They have tossed our moral political positions over the free world into a bucket of cold water. They will go down in history as a misguided and a thoughtless, spineless group full of fear of their MAGA leader, the self appointed monarch and his powerful, wicked court jester who wants everyone to fear his chainsaw. Too often these two use divide and conquer methods as a political strategy.
This group has lost their moral force, now believing that immigrants, the disenfranchised, the poor and most federal employees (which Musk calls "weeds") are all subject to being squashed in one form or another. Dear reader, at a CPAC meeting with all the MAGA Republicans in the room, Elon Musk held up a chainsaw waving it in the air like a damn fool, as if he wanted to use it on Federal Employees. This is the same man that gives Nazi salutes and tries to tell EU countries they should vote for far-right political parties. As a veteran and as an admirer of the rule of law, I absolutely will not be quiet over this weird behavior. We get what we deserve when we vote. And we get what we deserve if we don’t object to these outrageous antics. My message to Putin/Trump/Musk is derived from the New Testament; “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?”
Just since January 20th, 2025, when now President Donald Trump took the oath of office to defend the U.S. Constitution (without putting his hand on the Bible), he has pardoned 1,600 convicted insurrectionists. He fired the female General, head of the U.S. Coast Guard giving her three hours notice. He had some portraits of U.S. Generals removed from the Pentagon. He fired the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He fired three of the JAG Generals (lawyers who handle military legal issues) and they were not replaced. He arbitrarily fired 19 Inspectors General throughout all Federal Agencies. All of this is peculiar because Trump/Musk and Project 2025 really want you to believe our country is now in need of being flattened out and they want to start all over with a Unitary Executive (a monarch?). Dear reader, something is not adding up with all these radical changes. Just four months ago, the United States of America was the envy of all freedom loving countries because of our economics and our politics. Now Trump/Musk think they don't need any oversight? Are we supposed to believe that he and Elon Musk can be trusted with the Federal Government's $7 trillion of cookie jars? The truth is, these two feel their followers are really dupes, stooges and willing idiots, that can be manipulated like school children on a playground, believing whatever they tell them. Dear voter, you may want to push the alert button before its too late! They and the instigators of Project 2025 are in a big hurry to flatten out all of our institutions for stalling public input. This is wrongheaded.
Our flag and our traditions are worth fighting for! I’m not going to stand by and watch the crumbling of the United States of America by two lawless racketeers, who are on a mission to acquire more power and more wealth. They want to find money to give to their billionaire oligarchs. They actually believe that the seniors who have put money into their Social Security account and their Medicare account are now "mooching" off the government that they gave their money to in the first place. They want to fulfill Project 2025 which destroys our Institutions leading to a new government with a Unitary Executive and no rule of law. How will they actually accomplish their intentions? They will use distraction, chaos and mayhem, and their weird lies and exaggerations to the fullest. Remember dear reader, remember dear voter, they do not want to be fact checked. They have instructed their billionaires social media friends to never fact check them. Does that give you any clues over what exactly is going on here?
Let us continue to seek God’s blessings in these trying times when many innocent people and children in our midst are being harmed needlessly. Let’s stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves, like those throw-away children staring out of hotel window in Panama, writing notes pleading for help. We must find out how many of these immigrant children were grabbed up and put on airplanes even though they may be American citizens. Did many of these children loose their legal rights? If we accept this kind of improper behavior from our government, it can only mean we have abandoned any loyalty to the rule of law and our duty to a just and loving God. Every reader and voter who cares about what is happening to America and wants to put a stop to it, must rally around our flag!
We do not need a monarch, we need a traditional Constitutional Executive Branch with free world values.
Post Script: Dear reader, this is my first PS in the two years of my blog. It is for those MAGA followers who have occasionally suggested they are Christians. For example, the new Attorney General wears a crucifix necklace, Speaker Mike Johnson suggested many times he is a Christian, and JD Vance also. There are many MAGA Christian Nationalists who are on board with Project 2025's goals. My message to all of them is to take out your New Testament and read the parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" in Luke. Then read "The Sheep and the Goats" in Mathew. I especially would like Reverend Franklin Graham to read those two parables and give his Christian analyzation for all of us to see. He admires political power and money, so I am anxious to read his reaction to those two parables. May God bless the United States of America, in the meantime.
Opening Image: Microsoft Designer – Image Creation Tool, Allison Dinner/EPA, Newsmax, Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP