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Democratic Disloyalty, Originates from Fear

Writer's picture: Gregory N. AustinGregory N. Austin

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Thomas Jefferson as President would not look you in the eye and was not a good speaker. Yet he doubled the size of America, without the permission of a Congress that was not in session, when he purchased the Louisiana territory from Napoleon. Settle down boys and girls, showing fear and panic could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy! Let us relax, let us honor our Founding Fathers via the rule of law. Let us say our prayers and work hard to keep a wonderful government in place with President Joe Biden as our proper leader.

James Clyburn of South Carolina
Loyalty, hard work and truth will carry the day!

When President Bill Clinton was in office he performed his duties quite well. Perhaps his most memorable success was leaving office with a federal budget surplus. He was the last President to do so. How did he accomplish this? It wasn't easy, he raised taxes. Not a single Republican voted for the tax increase. In fact, Vice President Al Gore had to vote to break the tie in the Senate that passed the bill. Our Republican friends a few years later took credit for a federal budget surplus, when not a single one of them voted for that tax increase that helped make a surplus possible. President Clinton also signed into law a ten-year assault weapons ban in 1994. That bill cost Tom Foley from Washington State, the Democratic speaker of the house, to lose his job in the very next election. Did Tom Folley whine and cry about the loss? Nope. He just said, “I voted my conscience”, and left politics forever.


In November of his last year as President, Bill Clinton visited Wall Street and received a standing ovation for his eight years of service.


What about the President’s impeachment? Well, he had an affair with a White House intern and lied about it. Would the founding fathers have considered that personal affair, and the lie about it, an impeachable offense? One would hardly think so. But the Republican Party went full speed ahead with the impeachment and destroyed several lives along the way as collateral damage. It should be noted that in the last six months of his term, polls showed President Bill Clinton with a 70% approval rating!


Now let's talk about loyalty. Vice President Al Gore ran for president in 2000 and lost in a squeaker, as the U.S. Supreme Court intervened to stop the vote recount in Florida which gave the victory to George W. Bush. Al Gore conceded without appealing.


What's my point? Well, there was one peculiar aspect of the Vice President’s campaign strategy. He had served loyally for eight years during President Bill Clinton's very successful two terms. But during his own run up to the end of the election, he never once called upon any help or any support from Bill Clinton. Two of my friends and I played racquetball two or three times a week and afterward would have lunch. We would then talk a lot about the election and Al Gore. We were always curious, “where's Bill Clinton”? My two friends and I felt it was a violation of loyalty not to call on a President with eight good years of respect and good results. But the affair that he had seemed to keep Al gore from seeking any assistance from Bill Clinton.



President Joe Biden is the President and a valid one that earned his second nomination properly. However, he represents a party that Will Rogers once famously said in the 1930s “I am not a member of any organized party, I am a Democrat.” That Democratic Party, still may panic and form a circular firing squad before they eat their own. They seem to allow fear to enter political races. And worse than that, it’s often the pundits and editorial writers who often pick up on flaws they see in Democratic candidates and make a big to-do about it. Check me out on this one. But the Republicans frequently get a free ride as if they're expected to make mistakes and embrace unusual behavior. When ex-President Trump told 30 lies in the past debate with President Joe Biden, he received less than 20% or 30% of the negative press. President Joe Biden had a weak night, speaking vaguely, haltingly and poorly. Meanwhile ex-President Donald Trump mumbled, pointed the finger at the President and never once talked about his plans for the future of America. His speeches reminded me of Fidel Castro of Cuba, who would rant and rant and rant and still receive applause because of his forceful delivery, even though it was void of content. And was it also because of his big cigar? We don't know why strongly delivered propaganda speeches work in the political arena. But it is a matter of fact.


Anyway, President Joe Biden deserves another chance and more honor from his own party! Loyalty under stress properly given more often than not will pay dividends.


Consider the French and British elections recently and notice the outcomes were much different than predicted. The British Conservatives lost much more than predicted, in fact it was the worst loss by a conservative party since 1832. Here in the United States the Democrats should not panic about an election has four months remaining in the contest. I do not feel President Joe Biden suddenly has changed his spots. He just had an off night. What's the difference, it's over now and the job of the party is to support him and to reconnoiter and to regroup and to think positively. Meanwhile ex-President Donald Trump is attempting to win without an ounce of talent, no moral fiber, no past record of good service, record-breaking in the amount of lies spoken, and with a criminal background.


Why would anyone want to put a character like that back in office? Donald Trump made it clear in speech after speech what his new Administration would do in 2025. If he should win, he will be seeking to deport a million immigrants and he will seek revenge against many of his so-called political opponents or enemies. Folks, we don't do that in America. We are a country of peaceful transference of power in America.


So, I feel I need to tell you all to be calmer, to go slower. Again, the British and French elections changed in only days before the final election. We have 14 weeks to go!


Joe Biden knows how to win even if he stutters sometimes and is occasionally vague. It's his ability to govern, more than his ability to talk, that is most important. Thomas Jefferson as President would not look you in the eye and was not a good speaker. Yet he doubled the size of America, without the permission of a Congress that was not in session, when he purchased the Louisiana territory from Napoleon.


Settle down boys and girls, showing fear and panic could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy!


Let us relax, let us honor our Founding Fathers via the rule of law. Let us say our prayers and work hard to keep a wonderful government in place with President Joe Biden as our proper leader.


May God bless the United States of America and protect our children and grandchildren from mayhem and chaos.


Editor’s note: this paper was completed 10 hrs before the sad and unfortunate attempt on the life of ex-President Donald Trump.


Opening Image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images, Politico

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