Dear reader, dear voter, I have been around for 87 years, and I know a qualified politician when I see one: vote for Calm-ala, someone cool, someone collected! God bless her, our country needs her right now!

When Kamala Harris was at Howard University her sorority sisters named her C3, meaning cool, calm and collected.
If you are tired of the constant mayhem, chaos and dysfunction spoken on a daily basis by ex-President Donald Trump - you may want to consider a well versed and well educated, an actual virtuoso in politics. Calm-ala Harris is one good politician, who uses common sense and says what she means and means what she says. She has political credentials and already Wall Street economists, historians, and foreign governments in the free world are hoping she wins for the good of the entire world economy. The British world business magazine, The Economist endorsed Kamala Harris for President of the United States. They suggested she would be the best thing for the world economy.
I want her to win too for our children and grandchildren's future, to keep them safe from extreme mayhem and chaos all produced by ex-President Donald Trump. A man who only focuses on himself, and his ambition is only placed in areas where he can find more power and money. His mentor is Vladimir Putin not George Washington, not Abraham Lincoln, not Ronald Reagan - no dear reader, it's autocrats like Victor Orban and Vladimir Putin that he admires the most. He wants to emulate them even though George Washington and those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 wanted no part of a dictator or a king running the United States government. They set up a three-part government that would prevent the emergence of a dictator. Donald Trump thinks that was all a bunch of bull and that the United States is now ready for a strong man dictator type who can clean house over the so-called Administrative State, (per Project 2025). What gives here? The United States is the envy of the free world. Our GDP, our economic stability, and our stock market is breaking records. Wages are up, unemployment is down. Gas prices and food prices are falling.
Ex-President Donald Trump is a convicted felon, a draft dodger, he filed bankruptcy six times with the millions he got from his father, was sued 3,400 times in his business. He has violated New York State laws right and left. He had to pay a $2,000,000 fine and dissolve his Family Foundation four years ago. He had to pay students from Trump University who had sued him for fraud, he finally settled for $25 million. Dear reader, this is not even half of his legal problems. My point is he claims he is a “victim” of crooked judges, crooked juries and nasty political opponents! My opinion? Like Shakespeare said, “he doth protest too much”. Dear reader, please fact check everything I have said in this paragraph if you are searching for truth.
Kamala (Calm-ala) Harris is an all American politician with vision and imagination, and if victorious, many feel she will work hard to produce good things for all Americans. And she will keep our children and grandchildren safe and free from political mayhem and chaos.
So dear reader, dear voter, I have been around for 87 years, and I know a qualified politician when I see one: vote for Calm-ala, someone cool, someone collected! God bless her, our country needs her right now.
Opening Image: Public Domain Photos
Well said. Can’t think of one single reason why she shouldn’t win in a landslide.