We need good citizens to begin discussions and plans over how to protect our children from the looming threat of climate change. We do not want to become the first generation to abandon the future of our children, over climate change problems that will surely impact them. Wars and political troubles abound, but we must overcome that to better serve our children. We must return to a normal mission as mothers and fathers trying to figure out ways to protect the future for our kids. We must embrace scientific proof, no longer baloney and disinformation.

The island of Greenland is the size of Texas, and it sits in the North Atlantic Ocean covered by a fast-melting glacier that is a mile deep. Two things are changing - the color of the ice pack and the exponential disappearance of that ice. The smoke and pollution from North America blow in on the westerly prevailing winds depositing residue from forest fires and all kinds of man created residue waste that takes to the air and lands on the surface of Greenland. That surface would be much darker but for the continuation of snow, and rain, and even a hurricane two years ago which came up from the South Atlantic. Should this matter alarm us?
In Alaska, northern Canada and Siberia, the permafrost has been in a meltdown of dangerous proportions for two decades now. The melting produces methane which is much more dangerous than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. As the former natural living matter that is caught up in the permafrost warms, it transforms from a frozen deposit, into a rusty reddish metallic liquid that is then released into the pristine clear waters of rivers, lakes, and other large bodies of water. Now roads, buildings, and trees are losing their former support because the permafrost is no longer frozen. The peculiar wobbly drunken forest effect shows up regularly in these three areas. Should we worry?
The Atlantic Ocean has never been hotter in May than it was in 2024. The Pacific Ocean has gyres in the upper Pacific on a 3000 mile circular journey carrying shipping containers, plastic and unnamed junk all going on a journey to nowhere. Is this cause for alarm?
Florida has rain bombs dropping water, as much as eight to 10 inches in some cases in an uncontrolled natural explosion from the sky. Nevada and Arizona as of June 18th 2024 are already setting heat records. Heat records that were just set last year! Is this cause for alarm?
Our coral reefs are dying and shrinking from pollution, heat and diseases. The Australian Great Barrier Reef has lost 50% of its life-size to this day. Fish are changing habits because of the warming waters. Should we be concerned?
Meanwhile, glaciers throughout the world are disappearing because of global warming. Foliage is climbing up mountains because of heat, often as much as one foot a year. Now, insects are no longer controlled by cold temperatures. Their new warming existence allows them to destroy forests.
Glacier National Park in Montana has gone from 150 glaciers in 1850 to just 24 last year. Glaciers in Alaska since 1850 have melted so much that they created Glacier Bay which is 50 miles long.
Seattle WA residents seldom needed air conditioning 15 years ago. Now its almost a must. Meanwhile in cities like Chicago the elderly are at risk from heat stroke, especially if they have inadequate air conditioning. Is this a problem?
Has the world lost its mind not caring about the future of our children and grandchildren? You betcha! Let's talk about 3 examples of utter neglect by powerful people riding out climate change with blinders on.
Rupert Murdoch is a naturalized American citizen that took an oath to honor The United States Constitution. He owns the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, as well as Fox News which some people call "Fake News". These 3 entities often practice disinformation, innuendo, exaggeration and even lies. For what purpose? For selling products via listener and watcher gullibility. They actually conjure up false impressions on their delivery to change the meaning of events. Fox News for example, picks and chooses what to report. If its negative news about Donald Trump over some political event, they will actually not even show it, but turn instead to criminal behavior in San Francisco performed by "liberals". Their audience demands negativity, it’s almost as if they are living on conjured up baloney. Fox picked up on all the negativity on suspicious discussions over the efficacy of COVID vaccinations. They thought it would sell soap, so they frequently fed the listeners the suspicions. In the meantime, their company policy was for all staff to get the vaccination. Rupert Murdock has an estate in Montana. Shouldn’t he care about climate change?
Elon Musk is also a naturalized American citizen that took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. He is truly and unquestionably a genius engineer. But something has displaced the neurons and the synapse in his brain to change course. He has eleven children, that should impact his view of the future environmental state of the world. Is he doing anything about it? Not anymore. He politically supports many politicians that deny or could care less about the actual threat climate change poses to the future of our children and grandchildren. Mr. Musk seems to have lost any interest in caring about climate change outcomes. Ironically, if he were to stick to his guns searching for better remedies to curtail climate change negative outcomes, he would probably be even richer than he is now. Shouldn’t he be spending more time in Washington D.C. working on policies that would allow more Americans to afford electric vehicles?
An example of genius engineering leading to positive change in the world came about from Werner Von Braun of Germany. When World War II ended, the Americans brought him to the United States to take part in our rocket program. He played a large visionary role in creating our successful rocket programs. Especially those programs that ended up landing a man on the Moon. Was he a contributor to good things in America in our rocket program? Yes, he was, and he incidentally believed in the creator because of so much orderliness in the universe.
Elon Musk has time to reverse back to greater service and greater glory in assisting us all in conquering climate change’s negative impacts. We all must think of our children over this issue.
Senator Rand Paul! Wow! What an unusual character. An eye doctor with severe myopia. He discounts COVID vaccinations and other vaccinations. Measles is making a comeback because so many parents are now suspicious of the vaccination. Is Rand Paul part of the reason for this comeback? He discounts science in too many fields. For example, he is soft on climate change. He likes Vladimir Putin of Russia who also discounts climate change. Every American should recognize that our Founding Fathers defended the Sciences. Remember, in 1803 in some states, smallpox vaccinations were mandatory. Does Rand Paul realize Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky?
Senator Rand Paul has few feelings of guilt over the million Americans that died of COVID. He ranted about vaccinations to the point where many people refused to be vaccinated. Remember dear reader, many of these unvaccinated people expressed regret while dying from COVID over failing to get a vaccination. Rand Paul has attacked one of our great long-term medical scientists, Dr. Anthony Fauci. We must all be thankful and give credit for the many years of public service by Dr. Fauci. It seems that Senator Rand Paul is on a shallow search for problems over vaccinations that do not exist. What kind of Senator, having graduated from medical school would embrace anti-science as a hobby and then attack well known credentialed public servants? How does he keep his job as a Senator from Kentucky?
We need good citizens to begin discussions and plans over how to protect our children from the looming threat of climate change. We do not want to become the first generation to abandon the future of our children, over climate change problems that will surely impact them. What's the deal here? What is putting us in such a bad position over the future of the earth? We do not have a minute to spare. We need plans and strategies now. Wars and political troubles abound, but we must overcome that to better serve our children. We must return to a normal mission as mothers and fathers trying to figure out ways to protect the future for our kids. We must embrace scientific proof, no longer baloney and disinformation.
We are living on one of the most unique planets in the universe. We must keep it alive and well. God help us if we don’t.
Opening Image: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images,