President Joe Biden is our duly elected political Executive and has the experience and know how to stop the mayhem. But it will take a unified American population to suspend all of the political division, we are now experiencing. We must act as if we can bring about a peaceful world. What other alternative is there?
Is civility a sign of weakness? President John F. Kennedy said he was taught “no longer an eye for an eye---but turn the other cheek”. He thought his counter contemporary foreign leaders would simply laugh at that naïve concept. But he did want to make an effort over that New Testament advice put forth by Matthew quoting Christ.
Now the world is on the edge of brinksmanship as wars and troubles abound. The Atomic Scientist's Doomsday clock is at an all-time low as it is currently 90 seconds before midnight. (And that doesn’t account the new war between Hamas and Israel.) The madness, the cruelty and the mayhem we now face throughout so much of the world is beyond sad. How to confront the situation? The United States remains the best example of how to use moral suasion in dealing with this mayhem. It really started in 1782 after the 13 colonies defeated the most powerful military force in the world, under King George III of England. And we did win that war with an entire population of less than 3 million colonists! What did we do after that to settle the problem of the colonists that were loyal to the King of England? The Founding Fathers remained moderate and were not seeking revenge over those colonists that didn’t join the War for Independence. Cruelty and revenge were suppressed by those 55 influential men who concentrated instead on seeking a good government of and by the people.
In most wars that the United States has participated in, moderation has been embraced. We fought, and win lose or draw we kept a moral position. In World War II our peaceful and moral stance led to the United Nations being formed. Most importantly the losers (Germany and Japan) actually adopted our form of democratic government during and after the peaceful occupation. Now they both remain strong allies of the United States.
The world must face an unclear future with the possibility of more wars likely. What to do? The answer is in adopting the moral suasion of the U.N. and the United States. If they cannot corral the madness then the future is indeed bleak for our children and grandchildren.
President Joe Biden is our duly elected political Executive and has the experience and know how to stop the mayhem. But it will take a unified American population to suspend all of the political division, we are now experiencing. We must act as if we can bring about a peaceful world. What other alternative is there? In the atomic age, war is now a very dangerous proposition. Peace is now the strongest avenue we can adopt and embrace. Today, every word spoken in anger and emotion must be suppressed. The protection of our children and grandchildren should inspire us to seek peace for the greater good.
We need 55 twenty first century men and women of influence and character to step up and to reaffirm the spirit of our Founding Fathers. We need a rebirth of the U.S. Constitution. We need a rebirth of our Godly spirituality that comes forth under stress in this country. We need our flag and patriotism to be more than just a symbol. We need to stop the division and to honor one another’s opinion. We must believe strongly that our U.S. Constitution is a valuable document that provides a fair court system, and to abide in that system.
All can still be well if we elevate ourselves to follow truth and good government.
Let us maintain this sweet land of liberty and apply it to the entire world!